Radio Frequency Identification

Radio Frequency Identification

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Disadvantages Of Human Implant

An enormous disadvantage would be the fact that the microchip is not as secure as it may sound. We do live in a new IT world where hacking into someone’s complete information can be harmful for the individual and extremely easy for the criminal especially since all the information is in one place.

For example: Most of what’s known outside of VeriChip Corp. and its supplier, Raytheon’s Spanish subsidiary, comes from the RFID hobbyist Jonathan Westhues. In 2005, journalist Annalee Newitz approached Westhues and asked him to try to spoof—to create a tag that gives off an identical radio signal—the VeriChip that she’d had implanted for a story in Wired.
For a device that is marketed as part of an access-control and security application, VeriChip was distressingly easy to mimic. Westhues had already built a digital RFID reader, which he called the Proxmarkii, when Newitz contacted him. Using his reader, he was easily able to turn Newitz’s chip on, record and analyze the signal emitted, and then reproduce that signal—tricking an actual VeriChip reader into believing it was querying Newitz’s implant.

This includes potential threat to invasion of privacy Mark Rasch is the former head of the computer-crime unit of the U.S. Justice Department. Says that "It's going to be used in unintended ways by third parties _ not just the government, but private investigators, marketers, lawyers building a case against you ..."

Foster,R. Kenneth and Jaeger,Jan. “How Verichip Works…and Doesn’t
.”. URL address:

Lewan, Todd. “Microchips Everywhere: a Future Vision.” The Seattle Times (29 January 2008). URL address:

Globaloneness: “Microchip implant human - Advantages and disadvantages”. URL address:
Advantages Of Human Implant

In the medical field the advantage will be that all the information required for the hospital will be available with a simple scan. They would be able to know if the patent is allergic or if he or she suffers any conditions. The procedure to have a microchip installed is simple and painless. It is placed in the back of your upper arm and undetectable. You will be able to go to the doctor’s office to have this microchip placed in your body. Once the microchip is implanted your account profile will commence and any modification or additions will be simple to make. If a patient needs attention while unconscious the hospital will be able to access the information needed such as what kind of drugs are being consumed by the subject and a link via VeriMed to view the records of the patient at the hospital where he is usually treated. Therefore, the RFID will be able to communicate for you if you ever are impaired from doing so.
Authorities will be able to use this microchip to their advantage as well. They will be able to track fugitives or locate missing people. The tracking capability will be able to be used to identify criminals at the scene of the crime or those who fled the scene of the crime.
For example, Applied Digital Solutions, has developed a device that is said to be the first-ever operational combination of bio-sensor technology and Web-enabled wireless telecommunications linked to global positioning satellite location-tracking system.

When this technology is used with GPS technology and the internet anyone can be located anywhere. Digital Angel ® is already using this technology for electronics ID tags for pets. This would be a 10 cents size coin that is inserted under the skin. This particular microchip is powered by the movement of the muscles but can also be motorized by the reader device.
Another advantage would be using the chip as a Credit Card. In fact, In trendy nightclubs in the Netherlands, Scotland, Spain, and the United States, patrons can get “chipped”—at a cost of about US $165 in one establishment. In future visits, “by the time you walk through the door to the bar,” one proprietor told Britain’s Daily Telegraph, “your favorite drink is waiting for you, and the bar staff can greet you by name.”
The best advantage of this technology is still in the research phase. A microchip implanted in the retina feeds visual information through to the brain. However, for those that are blinded because of retinal deficiencies the chip will aid them by passing signals to the human nerve cells in accordance to the light.

“Microchip.” URL address :

“How RFID MicroChips Works.” URL address:

Kohlbrand,Joann and Foster, Julie. “Human ID implant to be unveiled soon. (2008) Url Address:

“Human Microchips Implant”. OPPAPERS.COM (20 February 2008). Url address:

The Evolution of RFID

As many inventions this one has been in use by the military before being used in a public sphere. According to some sources the military has used a primitive version of this technology since the 1920’s. At its earlier stage, it was merely transmitting radio waves with audio information. Leon Theremin has been attributed with inventing the device as the predecessor of the RFID technology even if his invention is not truly an ID tag. Other similar technology was used in WWII to identify airplanes as friend or foe. The RFID will also replace conventional ID cards and electronic access cards, and even your PIN number at the ATM.

To see Human chip implant credit card alternative article please click here:,39024653,39117132,00.htm

RFID Shield. “ History of RFID”. URL address:

Mccullagh, Declan. “ Human chip implant credit card alternative”, (1 December 2003). URL address:,39024653,39117132,00.htm

Wikipedia: Microchip Implant (Human). (24 November 2008). URLaddress:

The future ID card will be based on radio-frequency technology. It is referred to as RFID or RFID tag [see photo, "Anatomy of an RFID Tag"]. This ID will be implanted in the human body since it is a microchip. This microchip will be also use for medical records, contact information and many other unexplored possibilities, such as tracking device. One type of human microchip implant is the Verichip which has been approved for medical applications already. This Verichip transmits a 16-digit code that is unique to a reader.

The microchip emits a radio signal that encodes 128 bits of information but it is readable centimeters away or up to 20-30 feet. The wireless data transmitter has a small antenna that picks up electro magnetic beams which power it to send signals to the reader device and the microchip functions at a frequency of 134 kilohertz. Its function is not only for humans but for objects too. The RFID tag microchip can be as small as a grain of sand and placed on objects as a sticker. In fact, it has already been used by your local Wal-Mart store to track items.

Albrecht,Katherine and Mclntyre, Liz. “ What is RFID”, (2003-2007). URL address:

Foster,R. Kenneth and Jaeger,Jan. “ RFID inside”, ( March 2007).
URL address:

Wikipedia: Microchip Implant (Human). (24 November 2008). URL address:

Picture: Lefkowitz,lester. ” Anatomy of an RFID tag”. URL address:

Juels, Ari. “ RFID Security and Privacy A Researh Survey. RSA Laboratories (28 September 2005). URL address: